Pioneers Post, 27 April 2020: Third in a series of three articles by Tim Segaller on how social enterprises can best psychologically adapt to the current Covid 19 situation.
Pioneers Post, 20 April 2020: Second in a series of three articles by Tim Segaller on how social enterprises can best psychologically adapt to the current Covid 19 situation.
Pioneers Post, 13 April 2020: First in a series of three articles by Tim Segaller on how social enterprises can best psychologically adapt to the current Covid 19 situation.
HR Magazine, Nov 2019: Tim Segaller article on how a co-active approach to leadership can significantly enhance staff development and free up your time and energy
Mad World Summit, Nov 2019: Tim Segaller article on 'Mad World Summit' on how to cultivate an 'authentic' approach to leadership, that draws on your natural strengths.
Lawyer Monthly, Nov 2019: Tim Segaller article on how senior lawyers can deal best with tough leadership challenges by reconnecting with their natural strengths
Social Enterprise Mark, March 2019: Tim Segaller article on how authentic vision and leadership is essential to sustaining energy, creativity and inspiration for the long haul