The Inside Track:
Workplace & Community Programme
Our flagship programme for the workplace or community helps you cultivate fundamental qualities inner leadership, self-discovery and strong relationships – as the foundation for implementing clear action plans that move you towards your goals.
We run The Inside Track programme both in the workplace – particularly social purpose organisations – and in the community.
Ideally, we love to bring these two groups together on the same programmes, as we believe that the skills and capacities cultivated are universally applicable. People get to learn extraordinary things from each other when traditional barriers are broken down. This approach also lays the foundations for meaningful engagement and 'co-production' with service users, which is becoming ever more important for social purpose organisations. Our programme typically includes 6-8 sessions of 3 hours and follows a well tried-and-tested pathway:
1. Master your mind: Cultivate inner leadership through mindfulness-based resilience; manage stress; get organised; think clearly
2. Know thyself: Develop appreciation of your true values, strengths, and passions – as the foundation for unleashing your potential
3. You're not alone: Build strong relationships through emotional intelligence, empathy & leadership skills
4. Actions speak louder: Develop and implement clear action plans that move you or organisation towards your goals
Train the Trainer: We can also leave a long-lasting legacy in your organisation and your community – by skilling up some of your people to run 'The Inside Track' programme within your organisation or community. We can then support you down the line through mentoring and supervision.
What you get: impact and outcomes
Supplementary Services
1-1 and Team Coaching & Training: to embed learning and develop more detailed action plans. We also provide team coaching and communication training to help you set up the best systems and habits that ensure the flow of information, mutual understanding and unity of purpose. More detail on these services here.
Adapting to New Normals: Helping organisations to adapt to fast-changing conditions and challenges in our new Covid reality
Contact us to discuss your requirements