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Group Discussion

One-to-One & Team
Coaching and Training

The workplace can be highly rewarding and fulfilling. But growing complexity and performance pressures also make it tough. Old formulas for success – working harder and following the management rule-book – don’t work anymore, and stifle productivity and engagement.

We understand the significance of these challenges. We can support your leaders and teams to thrive at work. Our distinctive coaching & training approach – incorporating mindfulness techniques to build greater awareness – ensures the full spectrum of experience is included: head and heart; mind and body. Our coaching service can be supplemented, where relevant by consultancy around organisational processes and structures, policies and ways of working.


One-to-one Coaching

You may feel you could be more effective in your current work role, or that you’re ready to progress to a new one. Perhaps you want to develop better relationships with others. Or maybe you want to handle the pressures of life at work or at home with more ease. We can help you explore what might need to change and how – to ensure your work and life feels truly fulfilling. ​We’ll support you to discover and fine-tune your true values and capacities; and to break through whatever’s stopping you from acting fully on them. 

Executive Coaching – typical themes

When coaching happens in a workplace context – particularly in leadership and management roles – common themes and topics include:

  • Developing as a leader and finding one’s unique leadership strengths and style

  • Becoming more effective in one’s current role

  • Effective communication and teamwork

  • Preparing for a new role – especially when moving into senior management and leadership

  • Self-management and work-life balance – in the context of common workplace challenges

  • Workload management – time management, prioritising etc.

Team Coaching

We help teams function as fluidly as possible. We partner with you to identify and remove blocks in the system – the team or wider organisation – that are causing inefficiencies, low morale, or a lack of clear vision and direction. We support you to set up the best systems and habits to ensure the flow of communication, mutual understanding and unity of purpose. And for teams going through unsettling periods of change or conflict, we support you to rebuild trust and mutual goodwill so you can establish healthy communication and working relationships. We’ll consult with you to design the best mix of 1-1 and group processes – ensuring that equal attention is paid both to individual creativity and autonomy, and the purpose and agenda of the whole team and organisation.


‘Co-active Communication’ training for teams

Effective teamwork and collaboration relies on strong relationships. Yet these can easily become strained when people feel under pressure. We can help your teams nurture strong relationships and highly effective communication, based on a healthy awareness of each other’s needs, values and motivators. Our simple but highly effective programme enables teams and their leaders to cultivate highly sophisticated relationship skills:

Step 1 – Setting the foundation: creating the best conditions for open and clear communication

Step 2 – Getting clear: streamlining interactions by focusing on the real issues and desired outcomes

Step 3 – Delving deeper: advanced skills in listening, questioning and thoughtful challenge

Step 4 – Facilitating actions: ensuring that every interaction ends with clear next steps and learning


"Tim's gift is to mesh tremendous intuition and sensitivity with some really helpful structure. I had to work hard, and Tim did not let me off the hook which was exactly the role I asked him to play during our time together. Fabulous coach."
"I was profoundly impressed by Tim‘s approach. He's highly perceptive, asking powerful question that open great insights. Honesty and integrity is the currency he trades with."
Giovanna Pisano, Change Manager at the Environment Agency
"Tim’s relaxed manner made me feel comfortable even talking about upsetting personal issues. He often had a different approach or insight to struggles I was having which helped me to work out strategies to improve things.
Hilary Barkley
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